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About CI-Novatec Questionnaire for Visitor Satisfaction

Questionnaire targets travelers in the Pilot Areas of the CI-Novatec project, namely: Ancient Olympia, Kalavryta and Nafpaktos (Region of Western Greece), Monte Sant' Angelo, Ostuni and Ruvo di Puglia (Region of Puglia) and Arta, Konitsa and Pramanta (Region of Epirus). Data are collected anonymously and regard acquisition of experience related, visitor data, in order to facilitate entrepreneurial & policy decisions, with the aim to enhance Local Tourism Ecosystems of the selected Pilot Areas. Thank you for your participation!

A brief about CI-NovatecCustomer Intelligence for Innovative Tourism Ecosystems development in regional economies

focuses on Local Tourism Clusters which formulate one of the most significant factors of regional economies, consisting of geographically concentrated SMEs from various market sectors

Common challengeto record & evaluate visitors' experiences and perceptions at the level of Tourism Ecosystems

to collect qualitative end-user data, to draw comparative conclusions (at regional and cross-border level) and provide feedback & tools to both Ecosystems and policy making actors


Region of Western Greece (Project Coordinator)

New National Road Patras-Athens 32, 26441, Patras, Greece

Email and website

Official project website



Project manager: KARAPANOY Vicky

Tel: +30 2613 613 640
Fax: +30 2613 613 605

Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries

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